Refresh Events for Middle and High School Students in Osaka City


Place to take a breather from cares
Refresh Events

“I want to talk to middle and high school students who are taking care of families just like me.”

” I'd like to meet someone who has/is taking care of families."

We offer events all these middle and high school generations can get together!

Spend some time to feel free and refreshed for yourself

We provide a place where middle and high school students who are taking care of their families and helping out at home can gather and spend time freely. We hold monthly in-person and online events so that as many students as possible can join us.


Cherry blossom viewing in the spring, festival in the summer, camping in the fall, Christmas party in the winter, etc...

We hold events everyone can experience various things together in each season. Events can be held indoors or outdoors, contents change monthly.


Come join us online to have a relaxing and fun time! We chat freely, play mini-games, we even had a New Year's calligraphy contest.

Any requests are welcome, we also welcome students who can plan events together!

3 Features

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    Regularly Held

    We regularly hold the refresh events so that many people can participate.

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    Career path and future opportunities

    You can have opportunities to  talk to adults in various professions and go company visits. You will also have the opportunity to think about your future.

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    No need to Talk

    You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. We welcome people who would like to participate just by listening to what others have to say.

Refresh Event Information


once a month (in principle)


Fusen Room or we will inform you at each event


Many things are planned, such as programs where you can participate along with former and current young carers, and discussion time. We announce the details of events on our website.
*When you join us online, you can use nickname and off-screen.

For details, click here

Participation Fee


*Transportation expenses will be paid.

How to Participate

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    First, apply to participate

    You can apply from the application form or through e-mail.

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    We will contact you

    We will send you details of the event.

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    Participate in the Refresh Events

    On the day of the event, gather at the designated location. For online participants, log-in on designated URL we inform before the event. If you have any questions or concerns about how to log in etc, please do not hesitate to ask!

Day of Refresh Events

*Current and former young carers, as well as professions, will participate.
*Please let us know if you have any concerns or worries or anything you want to know in advance.
*When you don’t want to talk, you don’t have to. You can participate just by listening to other participants talk.